

E-Commerce Seeks Wider Audience

For all the media hype and the flood of investment money, e-commerce is still in its infancy. A motivated and technically advanced consumer can buy uncomplicated products online. And though it's possible to purchase sophisticated products that require online configuration or comparison shopping, doing so usually means negotiating a difficult learning curve. Merchants are finding that unless they're wedded to a given portal, establishing an independent e-commerce site is liable to take more time and money than they expected. To succeed, they will not only have to publish a "buy now" button, but also carefully consider the economics, merchandise selection and technology choices associated with e-commerce.


The Nuts and Bolts of Business-to-Business E-Commerce

Perhaps PhotoDisc's Pearce sums it up best. A successful commerce site, she says, has "roots in all your businesses, it's not just an isolated sales channel and you don't want it to be. You need to develop awareness in other divisions in how they can support online initiatives."
